Welcome to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 

We Celebrate the Living Savior every day!  

Join us in 

"Sharing Jesus & Living His love! Through Discipleship at Home and in Community"

Service Times

Online Giving

God provides all we need. We give back first fruits in love and trust to Him.

We give offerings of thanksgiving. God gives back to His church to provide for the ministry He has called us to do. 

Click here to give offering to the Lord. 

The link will go to a secured website or scan the QR code with your mobile device.


Or use the Vanco App!  Search "Prince of Peace" or use the Invite code:GDFARS

Click here for more information about our Food Pantries


Classes are filling up, but we still have room for your child!

Need more information or want to schedule a tour?  Call Wendy 419-693-8661 


Be fed by God's Word -- every day!

Click here for our Bible studies

Join us each week as we celebrate Jesus - the Living Savior for ALL people

If you are unable to gather in-person for any reason, please join us online! 

5:30 and 10:30 services are live on Facebook: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.  

click here for this week's bulletin

(Click here for live service on Facebook)   (Click here for previously recorded services)

We are Sharing Jesus with All Generations - Building to Reach More!

A presentation regarding how and why is available on our Facebook page with a link to the YouTube video: PoPCampaign

Miss the Groundbreaking for the Family Education Resource Center?

check out the video on our Facebook page!



"Sharing Jesus & Living His love! Through Discipleship at Home and in Community"


Contact Information

Church Phone Number   419-691-9407   
Email  Church Office 
Address  4155 Pickle Road Oregon, Ohio 43616   
